ProDOS port bug report
(too old to reply)
2019-01-23 18:22:21 UTC
I'm abandoning the old thread in order to create dedicated entries.
This one is intended for anyone to announce bugs or issues with ProDOS ports.
2019-02-11 21:59:06 UTC
Had some fun with these new double-hires titles over the weekend. Thanks for this latest crop! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get either Commando or Ikari Warriors working, on either my //c or Virtual II.

For Ikari, I traced it out to some code that gets executed on zero-page that includes a BRK (@ $72). The BRK vector sends PC to $86E9 where it loops forever. This happens on the first screen, just after the "skull" barracks. Sometimes it will show the first screen then hang immediately without drawing the characters.

Commando won't start up on //c (Hangs on the first screen), and shows some graphic artifacts under Virtual II but with normal character/enemy motion.

Kid Niki has graphic artifacts as well. Just on the first screen. Seems to clear up once you're past that (or if you die there). I think the 4am crack does the same thing. Feels very much like an unfinished game.

Melody Ayres-Griffiths
2019-02-12 00:18:22 UTC
Got to second screen in Ikari Warriors on microM8, and Commando works fine too... Kid Niki has a little rectangle of some kind of graphics corruption right where you first start but that's all I could find
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Had some fun with these new double-hires titles over the weekend. Thanks for this latest crop! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get either Commando or Ikari Warriors working, on either my //c or Virtual II.
Commando won't start up on //c (Hangs on the first screen), and shows some graphic artifacts under Virtual II but with normal character/enemy motion.
Kid Niki has graphic artifacts as well. Just on the first screen. Seems to clear up once you're past that (or if you die there). I think the 4am crack does the same thing. Feels very much like an unfinished game.
Alex Lee
2019-02-12 03:27:54 UTC
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Had some fun with these new double-hires titles over the weekend.
Thanks for this latest crop! Unfortunately I wasn't able to get either
Commando or Ikari Warriors working, on either my //c or Virtual II.
For Ikari, I traced it out to some code that gets executed on zero-page
loops forever. This happens on the first screen, just after the "skull"
barracks. Sometimes it will show the first screen then hang immediately
without drawing the characters.
Commando won't start up on //c (Hangs on the first screen), and shows
some graphic artifacts under Virtual II but with normal character/enemy
Kid Niki has graphic artifacts as well. Just on the first screen. Seems
to clear up once you're past that (or if you die there). I think the
4am crack does the same thing. Feels very much like an unfinished game.
I was going to do a more detailed bug report, but I can echo these
issues on a ROM03 IIGS with CFFA3000.

Commando and Ikari Warriors seem to take a while to start after
selecting 'J' for joystick. Commando has definite artefacts appearing
when scrolling. Ikari also crashes every time when a new object appears
from the top the right, after the skull looking dug-out.

Kid Niki has had minor graphic artefacts as well, but played fine as
far as I got with it.

Platoon and Robocop played absolutely perfectly. Heavy Barrel seemed to
work well, although I only got through the first level.

In Batman, I got to a screen where I went down a yellow ladder
(descending down in profile/side view) I then got to another screen,
but it looked like there was some graphics corruption, but I couldn't
see anything (was Batman surrounded in darkness?) I somehow died in
this state and the game had to start again.

I was going to reference the 4am cracks (and earlier cracks) to see if
these issues were apparent in those and not caused by the ProDOS
conversion, but out of time for now and thought it more important to
reiterate the same issues others are having.

- Alex
2019-02-12 20:08:33 UTC
Kid Niki has an uninitialised something that causes the corruption.
It's not visible when launched from BASIC. I didn't investigate it.
I agree that it looks unfinished.

In Batman, the dark room is intentional. You're supposed to find in another room a source of light before you enter.

I'll check Commando and Ikari Warriors. Both were troublesome because of how they use memory (running from aux text screen, expecting the screen holes to be maintained across disk access, etc). I must have missed something.
Both are very slow to acknowledge the initial keypress.
2019-02-18 19:20:12 UTC
Ikari Warriors is fixed and uploaded.
Commando runs now in Virtual II but has graphical glitches and the guard patterns are different.
It might be relying on uninitialised something. I'm looking for the cause, and then I'll fix it.
2019-02-28 06:29:04 UTC
The Games- Summer Edition: doesn't work from hard drive, only the .po image (crashes after photo intro and before "Epyx" logo). Seems to work otherwise.

Lancaster: doesn't work on real or emulated //gs (hangs after showing "Silicon Valley Systems" title).

Ikari Warriors: No visual artifacts now. Still hangs just before the first bridge on real hardware and emulation.

Commando: additionally, hangs at high score entry after game over.
2019-02-28 18:19:24 UTC
Post by f***@hotmail.com
The Games- Summer Edition: doesn't work from hard drive, only the .po image (crashes after photo intro and before "Epyx" logo). Seems to work otherwise.
Hardware or emulation? How did you start it?
I can't reproduce it in MAME or AppleWin when launched from BASIC in a subdirectory, for example.
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Lancaster: doesn't work on real or emulated //gs (hangs after showing "Silicon Valley Systems" title).
This is a bug in the original game code. I will try to fix it.
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Ikari Warriors: No visual artifacts now. Still hangs just before the first bridge on real hardware and emulation.
Something about the screen holes is causing this. I'll check again what I did wrong.
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Commando: additionally, hangs at high score entry after game over.
Probably a similar cause to Ikari Warriors.
2019-02-28 22:06:09 UTC
The Games- Summer Edition: My bad. I had the older version from December. Re-downloaded from asimov and it's working fine now.

Post by qkumba
Post by f***@hotmail.com
The Games- Summer Edition: doesn't work from hard drive, only the .po image (crashes after photo intro and before "Epyx" logo). Seems to work otherwise.
Hardware or emulation? How did you start it?
I can't reproduce it in MAME or AppleWin when launched from BASIC in a subdirectory, for example.
2019-03-01 15:39:02 UTC
Great, thanks for letting me know.
I will try today to fix Lancaster, and then research the Quicksilver issues further.
2019-03-05 21:58:18 UTC
Spider.Raid - Doesn't run from hard drive. After InSoft logo it crashes with junk on hires screen, some ominous sounds, and then deletes itself (!). Removes both loader.sys and binary file from subdirectory. Disk version seems to work fine. Seems to maybe be some kind of ROM check, as it works on ][+ and older //e, but not on newer //e or //gs. I thought this one was good, but I must have only checked it on my ][+ (where it works fine).

I have a few reports for the //gs specifically, but I'm still working though what's going wrong and why.

Also, I've found a few games that require the "Alternate Display Mode" set on the //gs. I have a snippet of code I've added to those LOADER.SYSTEMs that sets the correct mode if it detects a //gs. Not sure if this matches your "porting philosophy" though.

Antoine Vignau
2019-03-05 22:20:30 UTC
38 20 1F FE B0 03 20 62 F9 ...
2019-03-06 18:18:01 UTC
Post by Antoine Vignau
38 20 1F FE B0 03 20 62 F9 ...
Thanks Antoine, I'll try it.
Antoine Vignau
2019-03-06 21:01:12 UTC
Post by qkumba
Post by Antoine Vignau
38 20 1F FE B0 03 20 62 F9 ...
Thanks Antoine, I'll try it.
IDROUTINE = $FE1F ; carry clear if IIgs

BCS notIIgs
notIIgs ; * user's not using the best Apple II machine

2019-12-14 20:35:21 UTC
Post by Antoine Vignau
Is there a way to turn it off again?
According to the firmware documentation, you're supposed to just call it again, but when stepping through the ROM, the required code appears to be unreachable.
It's causing trouble with Mockingboard games because it works by registering a VBL interrupt, and pre-GS games weren't expecting another interrupt source, so they leave the interrupt hanging.
Frank M.
2019-12-14 23:08:52 UTC
Post by qkumba
Post by Antoine Vignau
Is there a way to turn it off again?
According to the firmware documentation, you're supposed to just call it again, but when stepping through the ROM, the required code appears to be unreachable.
It's causing trouble with Mockingboard games because it works by registering a VBL interrupt, and pre-GS games weren't expecting another interrupt source, so they leave the interrupt hanging.
It's supposed to toggle, but you can't detect if it's on or off.

Easier may be to just include it in the prelaunch file for the 6 titles that have problems with page 2 (Goonies, Mr Do, Pacman, Pollywog, Stellar.7, Centipede). I don't think it would affect anything else.
2021-09-17 00:57:16 UTC
Regarding Pool of Radiance and the black squares, in retrospect I should have created an empty save disk.
I can't be sure that the test character on the disk is actually good quality.
I suggest instead to create a new character and see if the problem shows up again.
2021-09-17 02:13:58 UTC
Post by qkumba
Regarding Pool of Radiance and the black squares, in retrospect I should have created an empty save disk.
I can't be sure that the test character on the disk is actually good quality.
I suggest instead to create a new character and see if the problem shows up again.
Indeed. I have actually created a new one to play but could not find that training area. Heck, it even took me a while to figure out how to delete a character :-D

Anyways. I will play with it more and let you know my finding later. Might need a few days to do that.

BTW, in case anyone here is also into AD&D, the ultimate goal for me is to create something like this for AppleWin: http://gbc.zorbus.net/ If only I had had something like that long long time ago *sigh*
2021-09-17 23:13:19 UTC
Thanks, I look forward to the report.
We're getting closer to a collection. Curse of the Azure Bonds boots. I'm just working to remove the prompts.
2021-09-20 12:04:12 UTC
Post by qkumba
Thanks, I look forward to the report.
We're getting closer to a collection. Curse of the Azure Bonds boots. I'm just working to remove the prompts.

As for PoR, I now believe it has something to do with the ProDOS version:
1. I am using AppleWin v1.30.4.0. No command-line parameters.
2. If I just boot from your .po disk everything seems alright (see reproduction steps below).
3. However, if I transfer the full content to my 2nd HD (S7/D2) and boot from my 1st HD (ProDOS v2.0.3), I can now reliably reproduce the problem.
4. I see you are using v1.8. I got the same problem with v1.9. However, there seems no problems with JB's v2.4.2

Reproduction steps:
1. After the game is fully loaded (run loader.system, Y for sound, N for joystick, Y for fast mode (my ApplWin is running at 3MHz)), choose "Play Game"
2. Choose "Load Saved Game" -> "Yes", and then "Begin Adventuring"
3. The first item "MOVE" in the bottom is now selected. Press return to use "I,J,K,M" to move.
4. In the middle you can see your direction which is W(est) now. Hit J twice to see the door and use I to exit.
5. K to face S(outh), I to move forward to (0:15 6,1), J to face E(ast) and I to enter.
6. This is the dueling ground. Just follow the prompt to get TEST into a duel.

Expected results: you can see your character in full with a black square background. If you hit return on MOVE and use the "3" key you can move it to its opponent on the right.

Problem encountered: with ProDOS v1.9 & v2.0.3 you can only see a black square, Nor can you see your opponent in full.
2021-09-20 17:57:35 UTC
That is a superb bug report! Unfortunately, I still can't reproduce the effect using v1.9.
I suspect an uninitialised memory location, based on that description.
Could you share with me a save-state before accepting the duel, and the hard-disk image?
I want to do a side-by-side debugging with my working version to see where they differ.
2021-09-21 02:28:46 UTC
That is a superb bug report! Unfortunately, I still can't reproduce the effect using v1.9.
I suspect an uninitialised memory location, based on that description.
Could you share with me a save-state before accepting the duel, and the hard-disk image?
I want to do a side-by-side debugging with my working version to see where they differ.
I can do that, but need your help finding a place to upload my save-state file.

Also, I am able to trim down the SW env further to reproduce this issue:
1. S6/D1: the ProDOS v1.9 (my disk is "525-Apple II System Utilities v3.2 (ProDOS8 v1.9 1990).dsk", probably from https://mirrors.apple2.org.za/ftp.apple.asimov.net/images/masters/prodos/Apple%20II%20System%20Utilities%20v3.2%20%28ProDOS8%20v1.9%201990%29.dsk )
2. S7/D1: your .po image

Since you disk is bootable, I need to do Ctrl-F2 during power on to interrupt it and boot the floppy. I also did a comparison using the same method and can confirm JB's v2.4.2 does NOT have this problem.
2021-09-21 16:52:17 UTC
Yes! I see it now. Thanks, I will fix it.
2021-09-21 17:51:11 UTC
2021-09-22 06:00:50 UTC
Post by qkumba
YES!! It works :-) :-)

Thanks a million, qkumba. You are just so awesome in many ways.

I will keep playing it and wait for your next ports. Meanwhile, I am also gathering the necessary information to see how I can do a GBC-like companion for AppleWin. Might also need your help later ;-)
2021-09-22 07:44:52 UTC
Post by qkumba
YES!! It works :-) :-)
Thanks a million, qkumba. You are just so awesome in many ways.
I will keep playing it and wait for your next ports. Meanwhile, I am also gathering the necessary information to see how I can do a GBC-like companion for AppleWin. Might also need your help later ;-)
BTW, for sure you know this will come up soon: I remember later AD&D games allow importing characters/parties from the previous games, so if possible please do your magic and make this feature work in your ports. Not sure how complicated it will be (a separate file for characters/parties/save games?) but like I said your magic is all it takes :-D
2021-09-22 15:08:00 UTC
BTW, for sure you know this will come up soon: I remember later AD&D games allow importing characters/parties from the previous games, so if possible please do your magic and make this feature work in your ports. Not sure how complicated it will be (a separate file for characters/parties/save games?) but like I said your magic is all it takes :-D
I think the only time that would be used in is Curse of the Azure Bonds. None of the other Forgotten Realms games were released on the Apple and only the first Dragonlance game was released. I always wondered if it would be possible to port the missing games because they mostly use the same engines (at least Secret of the Silver Blades, Death Knights of Krynn, and Gateway to the Savage Frontier). The C64 got those.
A. Lupin
2021-09-23 00:14:24 UTC
BTW, for sure you know this will come up soon: I remember later AD&D games allow importing characters/parties from the previous games, so if possible please do your magic and make this feature work in your ports. Not sure how complicated it will be (a separate file for characters/parties/save games?) but like I said your magic is all it takes :-D
I think the only time that would be used in is Curse of the Azure Bonds. None of the other Forgotten Realms games were released on the Apple and only the first Dragonlance game was released. I always wondered if it would be possible to port the missing games because they mostly use the same engines (at least Secret of the Silver Blades, Death Knights of Krynn, and Gateway to the Savage Frontier). The C64 got those.
Yeah, on AP2 CoK is the last AD&D RPG from SSI, and C64 got a few more. Not sure if the AP2 engine can handle the later releases, but that does give me some very intriguing ideas ;-) Will do some deep investigation and see if I can come up with something exciting.
2021-09-22 16:46:07 UTC
BTW, for sure you know this will come up soon: I remember later AD&D games allow importing characters/parties from the previous games, so if possible please do your magic and make this feature work in your ports. Not sure how complicated it will be (a separate file for characters/parties/save games?) but like I said your magic is all it takes :-D
:-) It's the same problem with Wizardry I -> II.
I'm thinking to make a separate program that you run, which could copy the save data from one port to the other, rather than trying to make the game itself know how to do that.
However, for sure it's on my list. It's a required feature.
A. Lupin
2021-09-23 00:22:31 UTC
Post by qkumba
BTW, for sure you know this will come up soon: I remember later AD&D games allow importing characters/parties from the previous games, so if possible please do your magic and make this feature work in your ports. Not sure how complicated it will be (a separate file for characters/parties/save games?) but like I said your magic is all it takes :-D
:-) It's the same problem with Wizardry I -> II.
I'm thinking to make a separate program that you run, which could copy the save data from one port to the other, rather than trying to make the game itself know how to do that.
However, for sure it's on my list. It's a required feature.
Apparently you are very experienced on this :-D I will leave the rest to your able hands.

This could also act as an add-on to my (imaginary for now) RPG Companion for AppleWin: as long as you have an execution mode to use command-line params (forgot the specific name in ProDOS) to specify from/to/names/etc. instead of the UI, it could do a RPC-like invocation from Windows to complete this task. Neat, eh ;-)
Not Dr. Tom
2021-09-23 04:43:52 UTC
This could also act as an add-on to my (imaginary for now) RPG Companion fo=
r AppleWin: as long as you have an execution mode to use command-line param=
s (forgot the specific name in ProDOS) to specify from/to/names/etc. instea=
d of the UI, it could do a RPC-like invocation from Windows to complete thi=
s task. Neat, eh ;-)
Are you aware of:
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A. Lupin
2021-09-23 06:44:14 UTC
Post by Not Dr. Tom
This could also act as an add-on to my (imaginary for now) RPG Companion fo=
r AppleWin: as long as you have an execution mode to use command-line param=
s (forgot the specific name in ProDOS) to specify from/to/names/etc. instea=
d of the UI, it could do a RPC-like invocation from Windows to complete thi=
s task. Neat, eh ;-)
----------------------------------------- --- -- -
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------------------------------- ----- ---- -- -
Wow... This is such a great find for me. I definitely will give it a try soon. Thanks!
Lorne Lavine
2021-10-07 20:58:34 UTC
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
A. Lupin
2021-10-08 03:48:11 UTC
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
Can confirm this:
AppleWin v1.30.4
2 HD's in S7, D1/D2. MM1 copied to D2.
ProDOS8 v2.4.2 by JB
1. Load the game. Press "Esc"
2. "V" to view all characters
3. "C" to see Zenon III, and the game crashes immediately after showing one line on the top.
A. Lupin
2021-10-08 04:42:46 UTC
Post by ***@gmail.com
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
AppleWin v1.30.4
2 HD's in S7, D1/D2. MM1 copied to D2.
ProDOS8 v2.4.2 by JB
1. Load the game. Press "Esc"
2. "V" to view all characters
3. "C" to see Zenon III, and the game crashes immediately after showing one line on the top.
Does not have this issue with "Might and Magic (woz-a-day collection).zip"
2021-10-09 21:26:25 UTC
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
Running in Virtual II, when you view an Archer character it doesn't crash to Basic. It display the character name, alignment and race, that's all. If you press Return it takes you back out to the main menu.

Just my two copper pieces worth,
A. Lupin
2021-10-10 11:57:18 UTC
Post by magnusfalkirk
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
Running in Virtual II, when you view an Archer character it doesn't crash to Basic. It display the character name, alignment and race, that's all. If you press Return it takes you back out to the main menu.
Just my two copper pieces worth,
Interesting finding. And I did some more test: With the same config of mine, MM1 does show only the information above. However, pressing Return made the game reading almost the entire Track 0 and sent you back to the C/V/# menu.

As a comparison, doing the same with other characters will display the full info, and Return will do nothing. Only ESC will get you back to the full roster screen.
A. Lupin
2021-10-10 12:01:06 UTC
Post by magnusfalkirk
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
Running in Virtual II, when you view an Archer character it doesn't crash to Basic. It display the character name, alignment and race, that's all. If you press Return it takes you back out to the main menu.
Just my two copper pieces worth,
Interesting finding. And I did some more test: With the same config of mine, MM1 does show only the information above. However, pressing Return made the game reading almost the entire Track 0 and sent you back to the C/V/# menu.
As a comparison, doing the same with other characters will display the full info, and Return will do nothing. Only ESC will get you back to the full roster screen.
To be clear, I don't think its Track 0 as the game was loaded from HD. Just that AppleWin might not have updated the Track part in the T/S area.
A. Lupin
2021-10-10 12:11:35 UTC
Post by magnusfalkirk
Post by Lorne Lavine
Posting for all, bug with Might and Magic 1. The game crashes whenever you try to view any character who is an Archer. Doesn't matter if it's the pre-made character (Zenon III), or one you make yourself, you can add them to the party, but when you try to view an Archer, it crashes.
Running in Virtual II, when you view an Archer character it doesn't crash to Basic. It display the character name, alignment and race, that's all. If you press Return it takes you back out to the main menu.
Just my two copper pieces worth,
Interesting finding. And I did some more test: With the same config of mine, MM1 does show only the information above. However, pressing Return made the game reading almost the entire Track 0 and sent you back to the C/V/# menu.
As a comparison, doing the same with other characters will display the full info, and Return will do nothing. Only ESC will get you back to the full roster screen.
To be clear, I don't think its Track 0 as the game was loaded from HD. Just that AppleWin might not have updated the Track part in the T/S area.
(Sorry for so many follow-ups from me)
Actually I am quite puzzled by the changes in the T/S area. No other games on my HD do that; only the HD light is blinking. Isn't that supposed for floppy drives only?
2021-11-10 17:31:10 UTC
I found _a_ problem. The image was corrupted somehow. I've fixed it and uploaded again.
Please test http://pferrie.epizy.com/misc/tmp/might%20and%20magic%20PRODOS%20(san%20inc%20pack).zip
If it works then I'll update Asimov, too.
Lorne Lavine
2021-11-10 17:52:11 UTC
I found _a_ problem. The image was corrupted somehow. I've fixed it and uploaded again.
Please test http://pferrie.epizy.com/misc/tmp/might%20and%20magic%20PRODOS%20(san%20inc%20pack).zip
If it works then I'll update Asimov, too.
Awesome, that fixed it! Thanks so much for your efforts.
A. Lupin
2021-12-04 02:59:49 UTC
Post by Lorne Lavine
I found _a_ problem. The image was corrupted somehow. I've fixed it and uploaded again.
Please test http://pferrie.epizy.com/misc/tmp/might%20and%20magic%20PRODOS%20(san%20inc%20pack).zip
If it works then I'll update Asimov, too.
Awesome, that fixed it! Thanks so much for your efforts.
Another happy gamer here with this fix :-) Awesome work, qkumba!
2021-11-10 17:31:52 UTC
Actually I am quite puzzled by the changes in the T/S area. No other games on my HD do that; only the HD light is blinking. Isn't that supposed for floppy drives only?
That was a side-effect of the corrupted instructions - it was hitting random memory location, which happened to turn on the drive light.
Alex Lee
2021-11-17 00:09:22 UTC
Post by qkumba
Actually I am quite puzzled by the changes in the T/S area. No other
games on my HD do that; only the HD light is blinking. Isn't that
supposed for floppy drives only?
That was a side-effect of the corrupted instructions - it was hitting
random memory location, which happened to turn on the drive light.
Did this fix end up getting uploaded to Asimov?

A. Lupin
2021-12-04 03:01:38 UTC
Post by Alex Lee
Post by qkumba
Actually I am quite puzzled by the changes in the T/S area. No other
games on my HD do that; only the HD light is blinking. Isn't that
supposed for floppy drives only?
That was a side-effect of the corrupted instructions - it was hitting
random memory location, which happened to turn on the drive light.
Did this fix end up getting uploaded to Asimov?
Don't think so, certainly not on the ZA mirror yet. Hope this will remind qkumba to upload the fix.
2023-11-26 15:49:56 UTC
This version of Taipan! doesn't seem to work:


I tried AppleWin configured for enhanced //e and ][+. It hangs while displaying the game logo; looks to be in an Applesoft error handler loop. The versions found on various game collection disks seem to work.

2023-11-28 21:58:03 UTC
Thanks, I have uploaded the fixed version.

2021-09-22 16:43:24 UTC
YES!! It works :-) :-)
Great. :-)
Thanks a million, qkumba. You are just so awesome in many ways.
Blush. Thanks.
I will keep playing it and wait for your next ports. Meanwhile, I am also gathering the necessary information to see how I can do a GBC-like companion for AppleWin. Might also need your help later ;-)
Okay, I will wait for that. :-)
2021-09-22 16:43:39 UTC
YES!! It works :-) :-)
Great. :-)
Thanks a million, qkumba. You are just so awesome in many ways.
Blush. Thanks.
I will keep playing it and wait for your next ports. Meanwhile, I am also gathering the necessary information to see how I can do a GBC-like companion for AppleWin. Might also need your help later ;-)
Okay, I will wait for that. :-)
2021-09-17 23:13:34 UTC
Thanks, I look forward to the report.
We're getting closer to a collection. Curse of the Azure Bonds boots. I'm just working to remove the prompts.
2019-03-06 18:17:40 UTC
Post by f***@hotmail.com
I have a few reports for the //gs specifically, but I'm still working though what's going wrong and why.
I'll accept even reports that something just doesn't work.
I can try a GS emulator to reproduce the effect.
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Also, I've found a few games that require the "Alternate Display Mode" set on the //gs. I have a snippet of code I've added to those LOADER.SYSTEMs that sets the correct mode if it detects a //gs. Not sure if this matches your "porting philosophy" though.
Lots of Datasoft hit that one. As far as I remember, ROM1 can't do it properly, so I didn't add support for it. I can revisit that.
2019-03-06 21:39:34 UTC
Post by qkumba
Lots of Datasoft hit that one. As far as I remember, ROM1 can't do it properly, so I didn't add support for it. I can revisit that.
Yes. Goonies, Mr Do, and both Pacman versions (joystick calibration screen). Also, the lores intro animation in Pollywog uses page 2, as well as the text shown before Stellar 7 switches into hires mode.

Antoine, did setting Alt Display Mode the ROM1 also change the speed back to fast? I have a ROM3 now but seem to recall something different about ROM1. Reminded me of your comments how to properly set the speed and black background.

"It is not safe to play with bits 4-7 of $C034 (CLOCKDATA) and bit 7 change of $C036 (CYAREG) can be simplified:

LDA #$0F
LDA #$80
Antoine Vignau
2019-03-06 22:23:22 UTC
Post by f***@hotmail.com
Post by qkumba
Lots of Datasoft hit that one. As far as I remember, ROM1 can't do it properly, so I didn't add support for it. I can revisit that.
Yes. Goonies, Mr Do, and both Pacman versions (joystick calibration screen). Also, the lores intro animation in Pollywog uses page 2, as well as the text shown before Stellar 7 switches into hires mode.
Antoine, did setting Alt Display Mode the ROM1 also change the speed back to fast? I have a ROM3 now but seem to recall something different about ROM1. Reminded me of your comments how to properly set the speed and black background.
LDA #$0F
LDA #$80
The code above will set the IIgs to 1 MHz.

* Due to limited space, differentiation between Gyro
* and gs can't insert here, thus move TEXT2COPY to
* TEXT2COPYFF. Entry point must be maintained.
* This routine installs a heartbeat task
* that copies text page 2 to bank E0 for
* the Mega // to display on every VBL.
* This is a toggle (enable/disable) routine.
* If auto text copy is on, on entry, it is disabled on exit.
* If auto text copy is off, on entry, it is enabled on exit.

* This routine installs a heartbeat task
* that copies text page 2 to bank E0 for
* the Mega // to display on every VBL.
* This is a toggle (enable/disable) routine.
* If auto text copy is on, on entry, it is disabled on exit.
* If auto text copy is off, on entry, it is enabled on exit.
* For Gyro, no heart beat task is required.
* Toggle hardware bit5 of shadow register, $c035
* is equivalent to software copying.
* This routine can be invoked from Classic Desk Accessory
* or mainside entry point $f962. In the case of CDA, an
* interrupt occurred and the enviroments are stored and restored
* during in and out of the CDA, this includes store and restore of
* SHADOW reg, therefore it is necessay to update IRQ_SHADOW to
* reflect the most current states of shadowing. When exits, then
* restoring of SHADOW reg from IRQ_SHADOW would show the users'
* preference states.

* A routine to set text page2 shadowing register ($c035, bit5)
* probably for original //gs and new machine
* For gs, when exit 'c'=0 else 'c'=1

; SEG $00
PHB ; Save data bank
JSR DBTOE1 ;Set to $e1 bank
LDA |KEYUCVER ;Get keyucver #
CMP #$06 ;If > $06, then using new CYA chip
BCC @2 ;Bra if not, old FPI chip
LDA |TP2MODE ;Chk for already on/off
BNE @2 ;Bra if already off
LDA #$20 ;Else it is on, need to turn off
BRA @3 ;Bra to end

@2 EQU *
LDA #$20 ;Previous on is off, set on now
TRB SHADOW ;Set on, no effect for gs board
@3 PLB ;Restore data bank
RTS ;Return to caller

To answer your question: I do not know but it is possible that the "original" speed be restored. If so, code can be written as:

CYAREG = $c036
TEXT2COPY = $f962

BCS notIIgs
LDA #$0f
LDA #$80
notIIgs ...
2019-03-07 16:23:26 UTC
Post by qkumba
As far as I remember, ROM1 can't do it properly
I tried it using Pollywog and it seems to work similarly on both ROM revisions. I don't have an actual ROM1 to test with though.
2019-03-07 18:43:43 UTC
Lancaster, Command, and Ikari Warriors, seem to be fixed now.
2019-03-08 20:49:57 UTC
Lancaster and Ikari appear to be working well.

Commando - the ".dsk" seems to work. the ".do" still has visual artifacts under Virtual II. the ".do" works on real //e and //gs, however. I haven't tested the ".dsk" on hard drive yet (wasn't sure the difference between the two. 128 vs 48k?). It seems like the title screen got shifted to the left a bit on both, though.
Post by qkumba
Lancaster, Command, and Ikari Warriors, seem to be fixed now.
2019-03-26 21:22:14 UTC
Sorry nevermind, i just looked at Commando again and the title is off-center on the original as well.
Commando - It seems like the title screen got shifted to the left a bit on both, though.
Alex Lee
2019-04-02 10:29:54 UTC
I'm still trying to play all the way through Captain Goodnight for a
complete bug test. I came very close to finishing it in the last week,
probably a screen away from the Doomsday Device.

Some advice on anyone trying to finish the game:

On Doom Island, go down the elevator to N3 and get off there – forget
getting off at N1 and N2 – they’ll simply waste your time.

When you get to the second group of elevator shafts, go directly to S3
– skip S1 and S2, as they’re time wasters again.

- Alex
I am Rob
2019-04-02 17:27:46 UTC
Post by Alex Lee
I'm still trying to play all the way through Captain Goodnight for a
complete bug test. I came very close to finishing it in the last week,
probably a screen away from the Doomsday Device.
On Doom Island, go down the elevator to N3 and get off there – forget
getting off at N1 and N2 – they’ll simply waste your time.
When you get to the second group of elevator shafts, go directly to S3
– skip S1 and S2, as they’re time wasters again.
- Alex
Approximately how much time out of your life was wasted spent on finding out that N1 and N2, and, S1 and S2 were a waste of time?
Michael 'AppleWin Debugger Dev'
2019-04-03 01:19:58 UTC
LOL, nice meta reference Rob!
2019-07-21 14:45:52 UTC
Zaxxon would crash when restarting a game. This is now fixed.
2019-08-24 18:09:50 UTC
I finally tracked down the graphical issues with Commando and Virtual II. It's specific to SmartPort (i.e. 3.5" or hard disk) access, and the result of my bad advice to Gerard.
It turns out that real SCSI firmware behaves exactly like Virtual II used to do, so Virtual II was correct at the time, and now it's wrong. I've asked him to change it back.
Alex Lee
2019-09-01 02:19:14 UTC
Knights of Legend doesn't seem to work on my ROM3 IIGS with CFFA3000.

Launching the game from GS/OS or directly from ProDOS 8 v2.0.3, the
screen fills up with the letter "P" and continues to draw the screen
with "P" infinitely until forcing a restart. This is when the 32meg
ProDOS volume was mounted 6th after other volumes.

Knowing that however, and that ProDOS 8 isn't always good at
recognising drives beyond 4 partitions, I made it run from a second
position from the CFFA3000. This time it displays:


but progresses no further.

The third thing I tried was running it directly from the disk image
uploaded to Asimov with ProDOS 8 v1.2. This time it gets to:


but then returns to the ProDOS 8 v1.2 screen and loops endlessly between them.

It's an exciting prospect to run all these later advanced RPGs without
disk swapping though!

2019-09-01 02:33:21 UTC
Did you add KoL to your hard drive image then? I can try it in my IIgs and IIe setups and see if it works.
Alex Lee
2019-09-01 02:40:42 UTC
Post by Tempest
Did you add KoL to your hard drive image then? I can try it in my IIgs
and IIe setups and see if it works.
I'd only added it to my 8-bit games collection locally so far. I don't
include new ProDOS conversions on the downloadable version from
WITA2GS? until I know they work (well enough).

Frank M.
2019-09-01 02:47:59 UTC
Post by Alex Lee
Post by Tempest
Did you add KoL to your hard drive image then? I can try it in my IIgs
and IIe setups and see if it works.
I'd only added it to my 8-bit games collection locally so far. I don't
include new ProDOS conversions on the downloadable version from
WITA2GS? until I know they work (well enough).
Can confirm problems. Just reboots on Virtual II, after the "Micro Dos" screen (both hard drive image and disk image). Haven't tried it on actual hardware yet.
Frank M.
2019-09-02 00:31:52 UTC
Post by Frank M.
Post by Alex Lee
Post by Tempest
Did you add KoL to your hard drive image then? I can try it in my IIgs
and IIe setups and see if it works.
I'd only added it to my 8-bit games collection locally so far. I don't
include new ProDOS conversions on the downloadable version from
WITA2GS? until I know they work (well enough).
Can confirm problems. Just reboots on Virtual II, after the "Micro Dos" screen (both hard drive image and disk image). Haven't tried it on actual hardware yet.
works on real ][+. Doesn't work on real //e.
2019-09-03 06:51:50 UTC
It's profiling the hardware and misbehaves if it finds a SCSI card, which I didn't test.
I've disabled that part and re-uploaded.
Andrew Roughan
2019-11-08 13:46:09 UTC
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2019-11-09 17:04:44 UTC
Post by Andrew Roughan
Agent USA - When boarding on train to next destination, the game will force
to return to main title.
This is fixed in v3.
Post by Andrew Roughan
Lady Tut - Lady Tut initializes a nasty tone through the micromodem II
internal modem speaker (only when installed in slot 3?) both when playing
the game or if it comes up in attract mode.
Might not be my fault, but I'll see if I can identify the cause.