(too old to reply)
2024-03-19 02:08:02 UTC
I seem to remember there was a utility that would allow to you to peek
and poke the aux memory bank using &POKE/&PEEK. Anyone know anything
about it?
Hugh Hood
2024-03-19 04:58:38 UTC
Post by Duhast
I seem to remember there was a utility that would allow to you to
peek and poke the aux memory bank using &POKE/&PEEK. Anyone know
anything about it?
IIRC, Beagle Bros's 'Extra K' had those commands:

From one of their ads:

Compare any two DOS 3.3 or ProDOS
disks. byte-for-byte.

Create "dual personality" disks that will boot-up
in either ProDOS or DOS 3.3.

*Peek and poke auxiliary memory.*

Format ProDOS disks without using
Apple's programs.

Use your IIc while your printer is printing.

BTW, I'm glad to see some activity here lately. I was beginning to
wonder if folks *ONLY* used Google Groups to get here and didn't care
enough to find other ways.

It'd be a shame if that turns out to be the case.

Hugh Hood
Scott Alfter
2024-03-20 16:49:18 UTC
Post by Hugh Hood
BTW, I'm glad to see some activity here lately. I was beginning to
wonder if folks *ONLY* used Google Groups to get here and didn't care
enough to find other ways.
Traffic here seems to fluctuate...not much different from the other groups I
/ v \ Scott Alfter (remove the obvious to send mail)
(IIGS( https://alfter.us/ Top-posting!
\_^_/ >What's the most annoying thing on Usenet?
2024-03-19 07:54:14 UTC
Post by Duhast
I seem to remember there was a utility that would allow to you to peek
and poke the aux memory bank using &POKE/&PEEK. Anyone know anything
about it?
I’m still here, though it does seem to have got a bit quieter over the past week...

In fact I was even here before Google decided to get in on the act...

Ewen (Speccie)
Hugh Hood
2024-03-19 15:58:21 UTC

Know that I most certainly am glad you are still here, and based on what
I just read elsewhere, still able to spin quite a pun.

BTW, I used Chewbagger extensively over this past weekend, and marveled
while asking myself the question -- "How did I ever manage with Bredon's

Don't get me wrong, I value greatly all the work Glen did, but his idea
of a great user interface and mine are not the same.

I've been 'readying' some software for release (it's always more time
intensive than it seems it should be) and plan to announce it here.

The question is -- will anyone hear? ;-)

Oh well, as you told me once, many times the benefit of writing software
is in the sharpening of one's own mind, and that should be enough.


Hugh Hood
Post by Speccie
I’m still here, though it does seem to have got a bit quieter over the past week...
In fact I was even here before Google decided to get in on the act...
Ewen (Speccie)
Jerry Penner
2024-03-21 23:13:58 UTC
Hugh Hood <***@earthlink.net> writes:
I've been 'readying' some software for release (it's always more time intensive than it
seems it should be) and plan to announce it here.
The question is -- will anyone hear? ;-)
Us lurkers hear! And we're glad you're here. Here hear! :)

Jerry jerry+a2 at jpen.ca

Kelvin Sherlock
2024-03-20 18:22:38 UTC
It's not the answer you're looking for but AmperWorks (part of
Object Module Manager from Morgan Davis) had a &POKE command to
poke multiple bytes (&POKE address,byte1,byte2,...)

Since POKE is tokenized its easy to scan so I'm sure there are
a dozen or more &POKEs out there.
Post by Duhast
I seem to remember there was a utility that would allow to you to peek
and poke the aux memory bank using &POKE/&PEEK. Anyone know anything
about it?
ProLine: ***@pro-kegs
Hugh Hood
2024-03-21 01:07:52 UTC
One more ...

The 'Invisible Tricks Toolbox' of ampersand commands from Roger Wagner
also allowed peeking and poking auxmem.

Check out page 22 from the manual:


Hugh Hood
Post by Duhast
I seem to remember there was a utility that would allow to you to peek
and poke the aux memory bank using &POKE/&PEEK. Anyone know anything
about it?
2024-03-21 02:04:27 UTC
Post by Hugh Hood
One more ...
The 'Invisible Tricks Toolbox' of ampersand commands from Roger Wagner
also allowed peeking and poking auxmem.
Hugh Hood
Beagle was the one, it wasn't listed on the front pic of Extra K. Thanks.